path: root/var
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'var')
8 files changed, 424 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-cellprofiler-core/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-cellprofiler-core/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f7729b8540
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-cellprofiler-core/
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# Copyright 2013-2024 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
+# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
+from spack.package import *
+class PyCellprofilerCore(PythonPackage):
+ """Core classes and components used by CellProfiler."""
+ homepage = ""
+ pypi = "cellprofiler-core/cellprofiler-core-4.2.6.tar.gz"
+ maintainers("omsai")
+ license("BSD-3-Clause", checked_by="omsai")
+ version("4.2.6", sha256="91993485783bbab87d89a728260f10e57fda3f7335e6057393702cea774db2d7")
+ depends_on("python@3.8:", type=("build", "run"))
+ depends_on("py-setuptools", type="build")
+ depends_on("py-boto3@1.12.28:", type=("build", "run"))
+ depends_on("py-centrosome@1.2.2:", type=("build", "run"))
+ depends_on("py-docutils@0.15.2:", type=("build", "run"))
+ depends_on("py-h5py@3.6:3.7~mpi", type=("build", "run"))
+ depends_on("py-matplotlib@3.1.3:", type=("build", "run"))
+ depends_on("py-numpy@1.18.2:", type=("build", "run"))
+ depends_on("py-prokaryote@2.4.4:", type=("build", "run"))
+ depends_on("py-psutil@5.7:", type=("build", "run"))
+ depends_on("py-python-bioformats@4.0.7:", type=("build", "run"))
+ depends_on("py-python-javabridge@4.0.3:", type=("build", "run"))
+ depends_on("py-pyzmq@22.3:22", type=("build", "run"))
+ depends_on("py-scikit-image@0.18.3:0", type=("build", "run"))
+ depends_on("py-scipy@1.4.1:", type=("build", "run"))
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-cellprofiler/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-cellprofiler/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8c3010cce1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-cellprofiler/
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+# Copyright 2013-2024 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
+# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
+from spack.package import *
+class PyCellprofiler(PythonPackage):
+ """CellProfiler cell image analysis software.
+ CellProfiler is a free open-source software designed to enable biologists
+ without training in computer vision or programming to quantitatively
+ measure phenotypes from thousands of images automatically.
+ """
+ homepage = ""
+ pypi = "cellprofiler/CellProfiler-4.2.6.tar.gz"
+ git = ""
+ maintainers("omsai")
+ license("BSD-3-Clause", checked_by="omsai")
+ version("4.2.6", sha256="37e2a35dccff456afda96a4442dff2d23809c8ee271607a347e386aeb4af2628")
+ depends_on("python@3.8:", type=("build", "run"))
+ depends_on("py-setuptools@64:", type="build")
+ depends_on("py-setuptools-scm@8:", type="build")
+ depends_on("py-boto3@1.12.28:", type=("build", "run"))
+ depends_on("py-cellprofiler-core@4.2.6", type=("build", "run"))
+ depends_on("py-centrosome@1.2.2:", type=("build", "run"))
+ depends_on("py-docutils@0.15.2:", type=("build", "run"))
+ # More recent versions of h5py cause:
+ # AttributeError: module 'h5py' has no attribute 'Dataset
+ depends_on("py-h5py@3.6:3.7~mpi", type=("build", "run"))
+ depends_on("py-imageio@2.5:", type=("build", "run"))
+ depends_on("py-inflect@2.1:6", type=("build", "run"))
+ depends_on("py-jinja2@2.11.2:", type=("build", "run"))
+ depends_on("py-joblib@0.13:", type=("build", "run"))
+ depends_on("py-mahotas@1.4:", type=("build", "run"))
+ # does not exist in 3.9.0 onwards.
+ depends_on("py-matplotlib@3.1.3:3.8", type=("build", "run"))
+ depends_on("py-mysqlclient@1.4.6", type=("build", "run"))
+ depends_on("py-numpy@1.20.1:", type=("build", "run"))
+ depends_on("py-pillow@7.1:", type=("build", "run"))
+ depends_on("py-prokaryote@2.4.4:", type=("build", "run"))
+ depends_on("py-python-bioformats@4.0.7:", type=("build", "run"))
+ depends_on("py-python-javabridge@4.0.3:", type=("build", "run"))
+ depends_on("py-pyzmq@22.3:22", type=("build", "run"))
+ depends_on("py-sentry-sdk@0.18:", type=("build", "run"))
+ depends_on("py-requests@2.22:", type=("build", "run"))
+ depends_on("py-scikit-image@0.18.3:", type=("build", "run"))
+ depends_on("py-scikit-learn@0.20:0", type=("build", "run"))
+ depends_on("py-scipy", type=("build", "run"))
+ depends_on("py-six", type=("build", "run"))
+ depends_on("py-tifffile@:2022.4.21", type=("build", "run"))
+ depends_on("py-wxpython@4.1.0:4", type=("build", "run"))
+ depends_on("py-pytest", type=("run", "test"), when="@4.2.6 +tests")
+ # Run the post-install tests with `spack test run py-cellprofiler`. We
+ # need the variant to add the pytest executable to the PATH.
+ variant("tests", default=False, description="Post-install tests.")
+ # The pypi tests directory is incomplete.
+ resource(
+ name="tests-upstream",
+ destination="",
+ placement={
+ "tests/": "tests/",
+ "tests/gui": "tests/gui",
+ "tests/": "tests/",
+ "tests/modules": "tests/modules",
+ "tests/resources": "tests/resources",
+ "tests/": "tests/",
+ "tests/": "tests/",
+ "tests/": "tests/",
+ "tests/": "tests/",
+ "tests/": "tests/",
+ "tests/utilities": "tests/utilities",
+ },
+ git=git,
+ tag="v4.2.6",
+ sha256="5fb562774044d1dc8cffcddf6072d706f71e6649d566980efaab5b30f52ddfa2",
+ when="@4.2.6 +tests",
+ )
+ dir_tests = "tests"
+ # Leave 'gui' out of 'import_modules' to avoid the curently broken wxpython
+ # dependency.
+ import_modules = [
+ "cellprofiler",
+ "cellprofiler.icons",
+ "cellprofiler.library",
+ "cellprofiler.library.functions",
+ "cellprofiler.library.modules",
+ # "cellprofiler.gui",
+ # "cellprofiler.gui.html",
+ # "",
+ # "cellprofiler.gui.module_view",
+ # "cellprofiler.gui.constants",
+ # "cellprofiler.gui.figure",
+ # "cellprofiler.gui.workspace_view",
+ # "cellprofiler.gui.preferences_view",
+ # "cellprofiler.gui.utilities",
+ # "cellprofiler.gui.preferences_dialog",
+ "cellprofiler.modules",
+ "cellprofiler.modules.plugins",
+ "cellprofiler.utilities",
+ ]
+ @when("+tests")
+ def patch(self):
+ """Install tests from git."""
+ # Install the tests module. Using a module name like "tests" may
+ # create a namespace collision with other spack packages in the DAG,
+ # but the alternative would moving tests into cellprofiler and
+ # extensively patching the tests to be a submodule of cellprofiler
+ # instead of a standalone module.
+ filter_file(r"find_packages\([^)]+\)", "find_packages()", "")
+ # Include required test data files.
+ with open("", "a") as h:
+ h.writelines("graft tests")
+ # For interactive unittest debugging, run:
+ #
+ # spack env create cp
+ # spack env activate cp
+ # spack add cellprofiler+tests ^hdf5~mpi
+ # spack install
+ # git clone --branch v4.2.6 --depth 1 \
+ #
+ # cd cellprofiler/
+ # pytest --pdb -k "not TestExportToDatabase" tests/
+ #
+ # [...]
+ # 1412 passed, 16 skipped, 75 deselected
+ def test_cellprofiler_no_gui(self):
+ """Test installed package."""
+ pytest = which("pytest")
+ prefix = join_path(python_purelib, self.dir_tests)
+ pytest(
+ "-v",
+ # Don't test against the live MySQL database.
+ "-k",
+ "not TestExportToDatabase",
+ prefix,
+ )
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-centrosome/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-centrosome/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f89c66d71f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-centrosome/
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# Copyright 2013-2024 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
+# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
+from spack.package import *
+class PyCentrosome(PythonPackage):
+ """An open source image processing library."""
+ homepage = ""
+ pypi = "centrosome/centrosome-1.2.2.tar.gz"
+ maintainers("omsai")
+ license("BSD-3-Clause", checked_by="omsai")
+ version("1.2.2", sha256="4b38181d6648cb8b0e896aa2e54b5a6da2e9ebc19a8110582307f5c6da9d9964")
+ depends_on("python@2.7:,3.5:", type=("build", "run"))
+ depends_on("py-setuptools", type="build")
+ depends_on("py-deprecation", type=("build", "run"))
+ depends_on("py-matplotlib@3.1.3:", type=("build", "run"))
+ depends_on("py-numpy@1.18.2:", type=("build", "run"))
+ depends_on("py-pillow@7.1:", type=("build", "run"))
+ depends_on("py-scikit-image@0.17.2:", type=("build", "run"))
+ depends_on("py-scipy@1.4.1:1.10", type=("build", "run"))
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-mysqlclient/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-mysqlclient/
index 220be7e7d7..ffc210d589 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-mysqlclient/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-mysqlclient/
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ class PyMysqlclient(PythonPackage):
+ version("2.2.4", sha256="33bc9fb3464e7d7c10b1eaf7336c5ff8f2a3d3b88bab432116ad2490beb3bf41")
version("1.4.6", sha256="f3fdaa9a38752a3b214a6fe79d7cae3653731a53e577821f9187e67cbecb2e16")
version("1.4.5", sha256="e80109b0ae8d952b900b31b623181532e5e89376d707dcbeb63f99e69cefe559")
version("1.4.4", sha256="9c737cc55a5dc8dd3583a942d5a9b21be58d16f00f5fefca4e575e7d9682e98c")
@@ -26,3 +27,9 @@ class PyMysqlclient(PythonPackage):
depends_on("py-setuptools", type="build")
+ # Fix "library not found for -lzlib" as described in
+ # by backporting the
+ # patch from @2.2.0rc1 that uses pkg-config instead of mysql_config
+ #
+ patch("use-pkg-config.patch", when="@1.4:2.1")
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-mysqlclient/use-pkg-config.patch b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-mysqlclient/use-pkg-config.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fc2a3bde15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-mysqlclient/use-pkg-config.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+--- a/ 2019-11-06 02:21:07.000000000 -0500
++++ b/ 2024-05-13 18:22:02.200012959 -0400
+@@ -1,56 +1,31 @@
+-import os, sys
++import os, subprocess, sys
+ try:
+ from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser
+ except ImportError:
+ from configparser import ConfigParser as SafeConfigParser
+-# This dequote() business is required for some older versions
+-# of mysql_config
+-def dequote(s):
+- if not s:
+- raise Exception("Wrong MySQL configuration: maybe ?")
+- if s[0] in "\"'" and s[0] == s[-1]:
+- s = s[1:-1]
+- return s
+-_mysql_config_path = "mysql_config"
+-def mysql_config(what):
+- from os import popen
+- f = popen("%s --%s" % (_mysql_config_path, what))
+- data =
+- ret = f.close()
+- if ret:
+- if ret/256:
+- data = []
+- if ret/256 > 1:
+- raise EnvironmentError("%s not found" % (_mysql_config_path,))
+- return data
++def find_package_name():
++ """Get available pkg-config package name"""
++ packages = ["mysqlclient", "mariadb"]
++ for pkg in packages:
++ try:
++ cmd = f"pkg-config --exists {pkg}"
++ print(f"Trying {cmd}")
++ subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True)
++ except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err:
++ print(err)
++ else:
++ return pkg
++ raise Exception("Cannot find valid pkg-config")
+ def get_config():
+ from setup_common import get_metadata_and_options, enabled, create_release_file
+- global _mysql_config_path
+ metadata, options = get_metadata_and_options()
+- if 'mysql_config' in options:
+- _mysql_config_path = options['mysql_config']
+- else:
+- try:
+- mysql_config('version')
+- except EnvironmentError:
+- # try mariadb_config
+- _mysql_config_path = "mariadb_config"
+- try:
+- mysql_config('version')
+- except EnvironmentError:
+- _mysql_config_path = "mysql_config"
+- extra_objects = []
+ static = enabled(options, 'static')
+ # allow a command-line option to override the base config file to permit
+ # a static build to be created via requirements.txt
+ #
+@@ -58,65 +33,51 @@
+ static = True
+ sys.argv.remove('--static')
+- libs = mysql_config("libs")
+- library_dirs = [dequote(i[2:]) for i in libs if i.startswith('-L')]
+- libraries = [dequote(i[2:]) for i in libs if i.startswith('-l')]
+- extra_link_args = [x for x in libs if not x.startswith(('-l', '-L'))]
+- removable_compile_args = ('-I', '-L', '-l')
+- extra_compile_args = [i.replace("%", "%%") for i in mysql_config("cflags")
+- if i[:2] not in removable_compile_args]
+- # Copy the arch flags for linking as well
+- for i in range(len(extra_compile_args)):
+- if extra_compile_args[i] == '-arch':
+- extra_link_args += ['-arch', extra_compile_args[i + 1]]
++ ldflags = os.environ.get("MYSQLCLIENT_LDFLAGS")
++ cflags = os.environ.get("MYSQLCLIENT_CFLAGS")
+- include_dirs = [dequote(i[2:])
+- for i in mysql_config('include') if i.startswith('-I')]
+- if static:
+- # properly handle mysql client libraries that are not called libmysqlclient
+- client = None
+- CLIENT_LIST = ['mysqlclient', 'mysqlclient_r', 'mysqld', 'mariadb',
+- 'mariadbclient', 'perconaserverclient', 'perconaserverclient_r']
+- for c in CLIENT_LIST:
+- if c in libraries:
+- client = c
+- break
+- if client == 'mariadb':
+- client = 'mariadbclient'
+- if client is None:
+- raise ValueError("Couldn't identify mysql client library")
+- extra_objects.append(os.path.join(library_dirs[0], 'lib%s.a' % client))
+- if client in libraries:
+- libraries.remove(client)
++ pkg_name = None
++ static_opt = " --static" if static else ""
++ if not (cflags and ldflags):
++ pkg_name = find_package_name()
++ if not cflags:
++ cflags = subprocess.check_output(
++ f"pkg-config{static_opt} --cflags {pkg_name}", encoding="utf-8", shell=True
++ )
++ if not ldflags:
++ ldflags = subprocess.check_output(
++ f"pkg-config{static_opt} --libs {pkg_name}", encoding="utf-8", shell=True
++ )
++ cflags = cflags.split()
++ for f in cflags:
++ if f.startswith("-std="):
++ break
++ else:
++ cflags += ["-std=c99"]
+- name = "mysqlclient"
+- metadata['name'] = name
++ ldflags = ldflags.split()
+ define_macros = [
+ ('version_info', metadata['version_info']),
+ ('__version__', metadata['version']),
+ ]
+- create_release_file(metadata)
+- del metadata['version_info']
+ ext_options = dict(
+- library_dirs = library_dirs,
+- libraries = libraries,
+- extra_compile_args = extra_compile_args,
+- extra_link_args = extra_link_args,
+- include_dirs = include_dirs,
+- extra_objects = extra_objects,
+- define_macros = define_macros,
++ extra_compile_args=cflags,
++ extra_link_args=ldflags,
++ define_macros=define_macros,
+ )
+ # newer versions of gcc require libstdc++ if doing a static build
+ if static:
+ ext_options['language'] = 'c++'
++ print("Options for building extention module:")
++ for k, v in ext_options.items():
++ print(f" {k}: {v}")
++ create_release_file(metadata)
++ del metadata['version_info']
+ return metadata, ext_options
+ if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-prokaryote/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-prokaryote/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9bca54cbff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-prokaryote/
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# Copyright 2013-2024 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
+# Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
+from spack.package import *
+class PyProkaryote(PythonPackage):
+ """CellProfiler's Java dependencies."""
+ homepage = ""
+ pypi = "prokaryote/prokaryote-2.4.4.tar.gz"
+ maintainers("omsai")
+ license("GPL-3.0-or-later", checked_by="omsai")
+ version("2.4.4", sha256="0a147b8b9a0a7279aa773e6a8fe459eb49f6de479f7afe7203dc4ac10dc8b587")
+ depends_on("python@2.7:", type=("build", "run"))
+ depends_on("py-setuptools", type="build")
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-python-bioformats/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-python-bioformats/
index 0139a94ea7..02fa6b7416 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-python-bioformats/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-python-bioformats/
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ class PyPythonBioformats(PythonPackage):
+ version("4.0.7", sha256="9cdadd06e2453566bfcc512eb9f774654e9fd35ee02a7fb5e8fb097812c5733b")
version("4.0.5", sha256="f9fa3a2b3c0f1eac6070dff6c513444e9fde9a1f794ec4c21fca85833dbb5192")
version("4.0.0", sha256="9a952de4d326d961af0a497753a4b71b2f7844605023d170c931d3624e036506")
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-tifffile/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-tifffile/
index 11b0077542..7e6a9e6555 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-tifffile/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/py-tifffile/
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ class PyTifffile(PythonPackage):
"2022.10.10", sha256="50b61ba943b866d191295bc38a00191c9fdab23ece063544c7f1a264e3f6aa8e"
+ version("2022.4.8", sha256="d4a4057e5cb7afe6e24cf7bde42a163970b593afe44c17249894ede755cf3faa")
version("2021.11.2", sha256="153e31fa1d892f482fabb2ae9f2561fa429ee42d01a6f67e58cee13637d9285b")
version("2020.10.1", sha256="799feeccc91965b69e1288c51a1d1118faec7f40b2eb89ad2979591b85324830")
version("0.12.1", sha256="802367effe86b0d1e64cb5c2ed886771f677fa63260b945e51a27acccdc08fa1")