path: root/lib/spack/docs/
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2024-01-02Update copyright year to 2024 (#41919)Todd Gamblin1-1/+1
It was time to run `spack license update-copyright-year` again.
2023-10-27OCI buildcache (#38358)Harmen Stoppels1-0/+1
Credits to @ChristianKniep for advocating the idea of OCI image layers being identical to spack buildcache tarballs. With this you can configure an OCI registry as a buildcache: ```console $ spack mirror add my_registry oci://user/image # Dockerhub $ spack mirror add my_registry oci:// # GHCR $ spack mirror set --push --oci-username ... --oci-password ... my_registry # set login credentials ``` which should result in this config: ```yaml mirrors: my_registry: url: oci:// push: access_pair: [<username>, <password>] ``` It can be used like any other registry ``` spack buildcache push my_registry [specs...] ``` It will upload the Spack tarballs in parallel, as well as manifest + config files s.t. the binaries are compatible with `docker pull` or `skopeo copy`. In fact, a base image can be added to get a _runnable_ image: ```console $ spack buildcache push --base-image ubuntu:23.04 my_registry python Pushed ... as [image]:python-3.11.2-65txfcpqbmpawclvtasuog4yzmxwaoia.spack $ docker run --rm -it [image]:python-3.11.2-65txfcpqbmpawclvtasuog4yzmxwaoia.spack ``` which should really be a game changer for sharing binaries. Further, all content-addressable blobs that are downloaded and verified will be cached in Spack's download cache. This should make repeated `push` commands faster, as well as `push` followed by a separate `update-index` command. An end to end example of how to use this in Github Actions is here: **** TODO: - [x] Generate environment modifications in config so PATH is set up - [x] Enrich config with Spack's `spec` json (this is allowed in the OCI specification) - [x] When ^ is done, add logic to create an index in say `<image>:index` by fetching all config files (using OCI distribution discovery API) - [x] Add logic to use object storage in an OCI registry in `spack install`. - [x] Make the user pick the base image for generated OCI images. - [x] Update buildcache install logic to deal with absolute paths in tarballs - [x] Merge with `spack buildcache` command - [x] Merge #37441 (included here) - [x] Merge #39077 (included here) - [x] #39187 + #39285 - [x] #39341 - [x] Not a blocker: #35737 fixes correctness run env for the generated container images NOTE: 1. `oci://` is unfortunately taken, so it's being abused in this PR to mean "oci type mirror". `skopeo` uses `docker://` which I'd like to avoid, given that classical docker v1 registries are not supported. 2. this is currently `https`-only, given that basic auth is used to login. I _could_ be convinced to allow http, but I'd prefer not to, given that for a `spack buildcache push` command multiple domains can be involved (auth server, source of base image, destination registry). Right now, no urllib http handler is added, so redirects to https and auth servers with http urls will simply result in a hard failure. CAVEATS: 1. Signing is not implemented in this PR. `gpg --clearsign` is not the nicest solution, since (a) the spec.json is merged into the image config, which must be valid json, and (b) it would be better to sign the manifest (referencing both config/spec file and tarball) using more conventional image signing tools 2. `spack.binary_distribution.push` is not yet implemented for the OCI buildcache, only `spack buildcache push` is. This is because I'd like to always push images + deps to the registry, so that it's `docker pull`-able, whereas in `spack ci` we really wanna push an individual package without its deps to say `pr-xyz`, while its deps reside in some `develop` buildcache. 3. The `push -j ...` flag only works for OCI buildcache, not for others
2023-10-01docs: Replace package list with (#40251)Todd Gamblin1-3/+0
For a long time, the docs have generated a huge, static HTML package list. It has some disadvantages: * It's slow to load * It's slow to build * It's hard to search We now have a nice website that can tell us about Spack packages, and it's searchable so users can easily find the one or two packages out of 7400 that they're looking for. We should link to this instead of including a static package list page in the docs. - [x] Replace package list link with link to - [x] Remove `package_list.html` generation from ``. - [x] Add a new section for "Links" to the docs. - [x] Remove docstring notes from contribution guide (we haven't generated RST for package docstrings for a while) - [x] Remove referencese to `package-list` from docs.
2023-09-13Spec.tree: add type hints (#39948)Massimiliano Culpo1-0/+1
2023-07-17Lock, database and store don't need global configuration on construction ↵Massimiliano Culpo1-0/+1
(#33495) Lock objects can now be instantiated independently, without being tied to the global configuration. The same is true for database and store objects. The database __init__ method has been simplified to take a single lock configuration object. Some common lock configurations (e.g. NO_LOCK or NO_TIMEOUT) have been named and are provided as globals. The use_store context manager keeps the configuration consistent by pushing and popping an internal scope. It can also be tuned by passing extra data to set up e.g. upstreams or anything else that might be related to the store.
2023-07-05Drop Python 2 super syntax (#38718)Adam J. Stewart1-3/+1
2023-06-05Update RtD and Sphinx configuration (#38046)Massimiliano Culpo1-29/+5
2023-05-10Stand-alone testing: make recipe support and processing spack-/pytest-like ↵Tamara Dahlgren1-0/+1
(#34236) This is a refactor of Spack's stand-alone test process to be more spack- and pytest-like. It is more spack-like in that test parts are no longer "hidden" in a package's run_test() method and pytest-like in that any package method whose name starts test_ (i.e., a "test" method) is a test part. We also support the ability to embed test parts in a test method when that makes sense. Test methods are now implicit test parts. The docstring is the purpose for the test part. The name of the method is the name of the test part. The working directory is the active spec's test stage directory. You can embed test parts using the test_part context manager. Functionality added by this commit: * Adds support for multiple test_* stand-alone package test methods, each of which is an implicit test_part for execution and reporting purposes; * Deprecates package use of run_test(); * Exposes some functionality from run_test() as optional helper methods; * Adds a SkipTest exception that can be used to flag stand-alone tests as being skipped; * Updates the packaging guide section on stand-alone tests to provide more examples; * Restores the ability to run tests "inherited" from provided virtual packages; * Prints the test log path (like we currently do for build log paths); * Times and reports the post-install process (since it can include post-install tests); * Corrects context-related error message to distinguish test recipes from build recipes.
2023-05-05Improve version, version range, and version list syntax and behavior (#36273)Harmen Stoppels1-1/+1
## Version types, parsing and printing - The version classes have changed: `VersionBase` is removed, there is now a `ConcreteVersion` base class. `StandardVersion` and `GitVersion` both inherit from this. - The public api (`Version`, `VersionRange`, `ver`) has changed a bit: 1. `Version` produces either `StandardVersion` or `GitVersion` instances. 2. `VersionRange` produces a `ClosedOpenRange`, but this shouldn't affect the user. 3. `ver` produces any of `VersionList`, `ClosedOpenRange`, `StandardVersion` or `GitVersion`. - No unexpected type promotion, so that the following is no longer an identity: `Version(x) != VersionRange(x, x)`. - `VersionList.concrete` now returns a version if it contains only a single element subtyping `ConcreteVersion` (i.e. `StandardVersion(...)` or `GitVersion(...)`) - In version lists, the parser turns `@x` into `VersionRange(x, x)` instead of `Version(x)`. - The above also means that `ver("x")` produces a range, whereas `ver("=x")` produces a `StandardVersion`. The `=` is part of _VersionList_ syntax. - `VersionList.__str__` now outputs `=x.y.z` for specific version entries, and `x.y.z` as a short-hand for ranges `x.y.z:x.y.z`. - `Spec.format` no longer aliases `{version}` to `{versions}`, but pulls the concrete version out of the list and prints that -- except when the list is is not concrete, then is falls back to `{versions}` to avoid a pedantic error. For projections of concrete specs, `{version}` should be used to render `1.2.3` instead of `=1.2.3` (which you would get with `{versions}`). The default `Spec` format string used in `Spec.__str__` now uses `{versions}` so that `str(Spec(string)) == string` holds. ## Changes to `GitVersion` - `GitVersion` is a small wrapper around `StandardVersion` which enriches it with a git ref. It no longer inherits from it. - `GitVersion` _always_ needs to be able to look up an associated Spack version if it was not assigned (yet). It throws a `VersionLookupError` whenever `ref_version` is accessed but it has no means to look up the ref; in the past Spack would not error and use the commit sha as a literal version, which was incorrect. - `GitVersion` is never equal to `StandardVersion`, nor is satisfied by it. This is such that we don't lose transitivity. This fixes the following bug on `develop` where `git_version_a == standard_version == git_version_b` does not imply `git_version_a == git_version_b`. It also ensures equality always implies equal hash, which is also currently broken on develop; inclusion tests of a set of versions + git versions would behave differently from inclusion tests of a list of the same objects. - The above means `ver("ref=1.2.3) != ver("=1.2.3")` could break packages that branch on specific versions, but that was brittle already, since the same happens with externals: `pkg@1.2.3-external` suffixes wouldn't be exactly equal either. Instead, those checks should be `x.satisfies("@1.2.3")` which works both for git versions and custom version suffixes. - `GitVersion` from commit will now print as `<hash>=<version>` once the git ref is resolved to a spack version. This is for reliability -- version is frozen when added to the database and queried later. It also improves performance since there is no need to clone all repos of all git versions after `spack clean -m` is run and something queries the database, triggering version comparison, such as potentially reuse concretization. - The "empty VerstionStrComponent trick" for `GitVerison` is dropped since it wasn't representable as a version string (by design). Instead, it's replaced by `git`, so you get `1.2.3.git.4` (which reads 4 commits after a tag 1.2.3). This means that there's an edge case for version schemes `1.1.1`, `1.1.1a`, since the generated git version `1.1.1.git.1` (1 commit after `1.1.1`) compares larger than `1.1.1a`, since `a < git` are compared as strings. This is currently a wont-fix edge case, but if really required, could be fixed by special casing the `git` string. - Saved, concrete specs (database, lock file, ...) that only had a git sha as their version, but have no means to look the effective Spack version anymore, will now see their version mapped to `hash=develop`. Previously these specs would always have their sha literally interpreted as a version string (even when it _could_ be looked up). This only applies to databases, lock files and spec.json files created before Spack 0.20; after this PR, we always have a Spack version associated to the relevant GitVersion). - Fixes a bug where previously `to_dict` / `from_dict` (de)serialization would not reattach the repo to the GitVersion, causing the git hash to be used as a literal (bogus) version instead of the resolved version. This was in particularly breaking version comparison in the build process on macOS/Windows. ## Installing or matching specific versions - In the past, `spack install pkg@3.2` would install `pkg@=3.2` if it was a known specific version defined in the package, even when newer patch releases `3.2.1`, `3.2.2`, `...` were available. This behavior was only there because there was no syntax to distinguish between `3.2` and `3.2.1`. Since there is syntax for this now through `pkg@=3.2`, the old exact matching behavior is removed. This means that `spack install pkg@3.2` constrains the `pkg` version to the range `3.2`, and `spack install pkg@=3.2` constrains it to the specific version `3.2`. - Also in directives such as `depends_on("pkg@2.3")` and their when conditions `conflicts("...", when="@2.3")` ranges are ranges, and specific version matches require `@=2.3.`. - No matching version: in the case `pkg@3.2` matches nothing, concretization errors. However, if you run `spack install pkg@=3.2` and this version doesn't exist, Spack will define it; this allows you to install non-registered versions. - For consistency, you can now do `%gcc@10` and let it match a configured `10.x.y` compiler. It errors when there is no matching compiler. In the past it was interpreted like a specific `gcc@=10` version, which would get bootstrapped. - When compiler _bootstrapping_ is enabled, `%gcc@=10.2.0` can be used to bootstrap a specific compiler version. ## Other changes - Externals, compilers, and develop spec definitions are backwards compatible. They are typically defined as `pkg@3.2.1` even though they should be saying `pkg@=3.2.1`. Spack now transforms `pkg@3` into `pkg@=3` in those cases. - Finally, fix strictness of `version(...)` directive/declaration. It just does a simple type check, and now requires strings/integers. Floats are not allowed because they are ambiguous `str(3.10) == "3.1"`.
2023-02-16Style: black 23, skip magic trailing comma (#35351)Adam J. Stewart1-7/+4
* Style: black 23, skip magic trailing commas * isort should use same line length as black * Fix unused import * Update version of black used in CI * Update new packages * Update new packages
2023-01-18license year bump (#34921)Harmen Stoppels1-2/+2
* license bump year * fix black issues of modified files * mypy * fix 2021 -> 2023
2023-01-04Fix building docsMassimiliano Culpo1-1/+8
2023-01-04Use "vendoring" to manage 3rd party dependenciesMassimiliano Culpo1-1/+1
2022-12-27spack graph: rework to use Jinja templates and builders (#34637)Massimiliano Culpo1-0/+2
`spack graph` has been reworked to use: - Jinja templates - builder objects to construct the template context when DOT graphs are requested. This allowed to add a new colored output for DOT graphs that highlights both the dependency types and the nodes that are needed at runtime for a given spec.
2022-12-22docs: show module documentation before submodules (#34258)Todd Gamblin1-0/+1
Currently, the Spack docs show documentation for submodules *before* documentation for submodules on package doc pages. This means that if you put docs in `` in some package, the docs in there will be shown *after* the docs for all submodules of the package instead of at the top as an intro to the package. See, e.g., [the lockfile docs](, which should be at the [top of that page]( - [x] add the `--module-first` option to sphinx so that it generates module docs at top of page.
2022-11-14Remove support for running with Python 2.7 (#33063)Massimiliano Culpo1-12/+6
* Remove CI jobs related to Python 2.7 * Remove Python 2.7 specific code from Spack core * Remove externals for Python 2 only * Remove llnl.util.compat
2022-10-26Allow for packages with multiple build-systems (#30738)Massimiliano Culpo1-0/+1
This commit extends the DSL that can be used in packages to allow declaring that a package uses different build-systems under different conditions. It requires each spec to have a `build_system` single valued variant. The variant can be used in many context to query, manipulate or select the build system associated with a concrete spec. The knowledge to build a package has been moved out of the PackageBase hierarchy, into a new Builder hierarchy. Customization of the default behavior for a given builder can be obtained by coding a new derived builder in The "run_after" and "run_before" decorators are now applied to methods on the builder. They can also incorporate a "when=" argument to specify that a method is run only when certain conditions apply. For packages that do not define their own builder, forwarding logic is added between the builder and package (methods not found in one will be retrieved from the other); this PR is expected to be fully backwards compatible with unmodified packages that use a single build system.
2022-10-25Remove recursive symbolic link in lib/spack/docs from git repository (#33483)Massimiliano Culpo1-0/+3
Delete code removing the symlink during CI
2022-10-18spack checksum: warn if version is deprecated (#32438)Tamara Dahlgren1-0/+2
Co-authored-by: Massimiliano Culpo <>
2022-10-10Docs: Getting Started Dependencies (#32480)Axel Huebl1-0/+1
* Docs: Getting Started Dependencies Finally document what one needs to install to use Spack on Linux and Mac :-) With <3 for minimal container users and my colleagues with their fancy Macs. * Debian Update Packages: GCC, Python - build-essential: includes gcc, g++ (thx Cory) - Python: add python3-venv, python3-distutils (thx Pradyun) * Add RHEL8 Dependencies
2022-08-30Environments: Add support for include URLs (#29026)Tamara Dahlgren1-0/+1
* Preliminary support for include URLs in spack.yaml (environment) files This commit adds support in environments for external configuration files obtained from a URL with a preference for grabbing raw text from GitHub and gitlab for efficient downloads of the relevant files. The URL can also be a link to a directory that contains multiple configuration files. Remote configuration files are retrieved and cached for the environment. Configuration files with the same name will not be overwritten once cached.
2022-08-03asp: refactor low level API to permit the injection of configurationMassimiliano Culpo1-0/+1
This allows writing extension commands that can benchmark different configurations in clingo, or try different configurations for a single test.
2022-07-31black: reformat entire repository with blackTodd Gamblin1-113/+124
2022-05-05Makefile generator for parallel spack install of environments (#30254)Harmen Stoppels1-3/+15
`make` solves a lot of headaches that would otherwise have to be implemented in Spack: 1. Parallelism over packages through multiple `spack install` processes 2. Orderly output of parallel package installs thanks to `make --sync-output=recurse` or `make -Orecurse` (works well in GNU Make 4.3; macOS is unfortunately on a 16 years old 3.x version, but it's one `spack install gmake` away...) 3. Shared jobserver across packages, which means a single `-j` to rule them all, instead of manually finding a balance between `#spack install processes` & `#jobs per package` (See #30302). This pr adds the `spack env depfile` command that generates a Makefile with dag hashes as targets, and dag hashes of dependencies as prerequisites, and a command along the lines of `spack install --only=packages /hash` to just install a single package. It exposes two convenient phony targets: `all`, `fetch-all`. The former installs the environment, the latter just fetches all sources. So one can either use `make all -j16` directly or run `make fetch-all -j16` on a login node and `make all -j16` on a compute node. Example: ```yaml spack: specs: [perl] view: false ``` running ``` $ spack -e . env depfile --make-target-prefix env | tee Makefile ``` generates ```Makefile SPACK ?= spack .PHONY: env/all env/fetch-all env/clean env/all: env/env env/fetch-all: env/fetch env/env: env/.install/cdqldivylyxocqymwnfzmzc5sx2zwvww @touch $@ env/fetch: env/.fetch/cdqldivylyxocqymwnfzmzc5sx2zwvww env/.fetch/gv5kin2xnn33uxyfte6k4a3bynhmtxze env/.fetch/cuymc7e5gupwyu7vza5d4vrbuslk277p env/.fetch/7vangk4jvsdgw6u6oe6ob63pyjl5cbgk env/.fetch/hyb7ehxxyqqp2hiw56bzm5ampkw6cxws env/.fetch/yfz2agazed7ohevqvnrmm7jfkmsgwjao env/.fetch/73t7ndb5w72hrat5hsax4caox2sgumzu env/.fetch/trvdyncxzfozxofpm3cwgq4vecpxixzs env/.fetch/sbzszb7v557ohyd6c2ekirx2t3ctxfxp env/.fetch/c4go4gxlcznh5p5nklpjm644epuh3pzc @touch $@ env/dirs: @mkdir -p env/.fetch env/.install env/.fetch/%: | env/dirs $(info Fetching $(SPEC)) $(SPACK) -e '/tmp/tmp.7PHPSIRACv' fetch $(SPACK_FETCH_FLAGS) /$(notdir $@) && touch $@ env/.install/%: env/.fetch/% $(info Installing $(SPEC)) +$(SPACK) -e '/tmp/tmp.7PHPSIRACv' install $(SPACK_INSTALL_FLAGS) --only-concrete --only=package --no-add /$(notdir $@) && touch $@ # Set the human-readable spec for each target env/%/cdqldivylyxocqymwnfzmzc5sx2zwvww: SPEC = perl@5.34.1%gcc@10.3.0+cpanm+shared+threads arch=linux-ubuntu20.04-zen2 env/%/gv5kin2xnn33uxyfte6k4a3bynhmtxze: SPEC = berkeley-db@18.1.40%gcc@10.3.0+cxx~docs+stl patches=b231fcc arch=linux-ubuntu20.04-zen2 env/%/cuymc7e5gupwyu7vza5d4vrbuslk277p: SPEC = bzip2@1.0.8%gcc@10.3.0~debug~pic+shared arch=linux-ubuntu20.04-zen2 env/%/7vangk4jvsdgw6u6oe6ob63pyjl5cbgk: SPEC = diffutils@3.8%gcc@10.3.0 arch=linux-ubuntu20.04-zen2 env/%/hyb7ehxxyqqp2hiw56bzm5ampkw6cxws: SPEC = libiconv@1.16%gcc@10.3.0 libs=shared,static arch=linux-ubuntu20.04-zen2 env/%/yfz2agazed7ohevqvnrmm7jfkmsgwjao: SPEC = gdbm@1.19%gcc@10.3.0 arch=linux-ubuntu20.04-zen2 env/%/73t7ndb5w72hrat5hsax4caox2sgumzu: SPEC = readline@8.1%gcc@10.3.0 arch=linux-ubuntu20.04-zen2 env/%/trvdyncxzfozxofpm3cwgq4vecpxixzs: SPEC = ncurses@6.2%gcc@10.3.0~symlinks+termlib abi=none arch=linux-ubuntu20.04-zen2 env/%/sbzszb7v557ohyd6c2ekirx2t3ctxfxp: SPEC = pkgconf@1.8.0%gcc@10.3.0 arch=linux-ubuntu20.04-zen2 env/%/c4go4gxlcznh5p5nklpjm644epuh3pzc: SPEC = zlib@1.2.12%gcc@10.3.0+optimize+pic+shared patches=0d38234 arch=linux-ubuntu20.04-zen2 # Install dependencies env/.install/cdqldivylyxocqymwnfzmzc5sx2zwvww: env/.install/gv5kin2xnn33uxyfte6k4a3bynhmtxze env/.install/cuymc7e5gupwyu7vza5d4vrbuslk277p env/.install/yfz2agazed7ohevqvnrmm7jfkmsgwjao env/.install/c4go4gxlcznh5p5nklpjm644epuh3pzc env/.install/cuymc7e5gupwyu7vza5d4vrbuslk277p: env/.install/7vangk4jvsdgw6u6oe6ob63pyjl5cbgk env/.install/7vangk4jvsdgw6u6oe6ob63pyjl5cbgk: env/.install/hyb7ehxxyqqp2hiw56bzm5ampkw6cxws env/.install/yfz2agazed7ohevqvnrmm7jfkmsgwjao: env/.install/73t7ndb5w72hrat5hsax4caox2sgumzu env/.install/73t7ndb5w72hrat5hsax4caox2sgumzu: env/.install/trvdyncxzfozxofpm3cwgq4vecpxixzs env/.install/trvdyncxzfozxofpm3cwgq4vecpxixzs: env/.install/sbzszb7v557ohyd6c2ekirx2t3ctxfxp env/clean: rm -f -- env/env env/fetch env/.fetch/cdqldivylyxocqymwnfzmzc5sx2zwvww env/.fetch/gv5kin2xnn33uxyfte6k4a3bynhmtxze env/.fetch/cuymc7e5gupwyu7vza5d4vrbuslk277p env/.fetch/7vangk4jvsdgw6u6oe6ob63pyjl5cbgk env/.fetch/hyb7ehxxyqqp2hiw56bzm5ampkw6cxws env/.fetch/yfz2agazed7ohevqvnrmm7jfkmsgwjao env/.fetch/73t7ndb5w72hrat5hsax4caox2sgumzu env/.fetch/trvdyncxzfozxofpm3cwgq4vecpxixzs env/.fetch/sbzszb7v557ohyd6c2ekirx2t3ctxfxp env/.fetch/c4go4gxlcznh5p5nklpjm644epuh3pzc env/.install/cdqldivylyxocqymwnfzmzc5sx2zwvww env/.install/gv5kin2xnn33uxyfte6k4a3bynhmtxze env/.install/cuymc7e5gupwyu7vza5d4vrbuslk277p env/.install/7vangk4jvsdgw6u6oe6ob63pyjl5cbgk env/.install/hyb7ehxxyqqp2hiw56bzm5ampkw6cxws env/.install/yfz2agazed7ohevqvnrmm7jfkmsgwjao env/.install/73t7ndb5w72hrat5hsax4caox2sgumzu env/.install/trvdyncxzfozxofpm3cwgq4vecpxixzs env/.install/sbzszb7v557ohyd6c2ekirx2t3ctxfxp env/.install/c4go4gxlcznh5p5nklpjm644epuh3pzc ``` Then with `make -O` you get very nice orderly output when packages are built in parallel: ```console $ make -Orecurse -j16 spack -e . install --only-concrete --only=package /c4go4gxlcznh5p5nklpjm644epuh3pzc && touch c4go4gxlcznh5p5nklpjm644epuh3pzc ==> Installing zlib-1.2.12-c4go4gxlcznh5p5nklpjm644epuh3pzc ... Fetch: 0.00s. Build: 0.88s. Total: 0.88s. [+] /tmp/tmp.b1eTyAOe85/store/linux-ubuntu20.04-zen2/gcc-10.3.0/zlib-1.2.12-c4go4gxlcznh5p5nklpjm644epuh3pzc spack -e . install --only-concrete --only=package /sbzszb7v557ohyd6c2ekirx2t3ctxfxp && touch sbzszb7v557ohyd6c2ekirx2t3ctxfxp ==> Installing pkgconf-1.8.0-sbzszb7v557ohyd6c2ekirx2t3ctxfxp ... Fetch: 0.00s. Build: 3.96s. Total: 3.96s. [+] /tmp/tmp.b1eTyAOe85/store/linux-ubuntu20.04-zen2/gcc-10.3.0/pkgconf-1.8.0-sbzszb7v557ohyd6c2ekirx2t3ctxfxp ``` For Perl, at least for me, using `make -j16` versus `spack -e . install -j16` speeds up the builds from 3m32.623s to 2m22.775s, as some configure scripts run in parallel. Another nice feature is you can do Makefile "metaprogramming" and depend on packages built by Spack. This example fetches all sources (in parallel) first, print a message, and only then build packages (in parallel). ```Makefile SPACK ?= spack .PHONY: env all: env spack.lock: spack.yaml $(SPACK) -e . concretize -f spack.lock $(SPACK) -e . env depfile -o $@ --make-target-prefix spack fetch: spack/fetch @echo Fetched all packages && touch $@ env: fetch spack/env @echo This executes after the environment has been installed clean: rm -rf spack/ spack.lock ifeq (,$(filter clean,$(MAKECMDGOALS))) include endif ```
2022-04-07Use the non-deprecated `MetaPathFinder` interface (#29745)Massimiliano Culpo1-0/+1
* Extract the MetaPathFinder and Loaders for packages in their own classes Currently, RepoPath and Repo implement the (deprecated) interface of MetaPathFinder (find_module) and of Loader (load_module). This commit extracts both of them and places the code in their own classes. The MetaPathFinder interface is updated to contain both the deprecated "find_module" (for Python 2.7 support) and the recommended "find_spec". Update of the Loader interface is deferred at a subsequent commit. * Move the lines to be prepended inside "RepoLoader" Also adjust the naming of a few variables too * Remove spack.util.imp, since code is only used in spack.repo * Remove support from loading Python modules Python > 3 but < 3.5 * Remove `Repo._create_namespace` This function was interacting badly with the MetaPathFinder and causing issues with "normal" imports. Removing the function allows to do things like: ```python import spack.pkg.builtin.mpich cls = spack.pkg.builtin.mpich.Mpich ``` * Remove code needed to trigger the Singleton evaluation The finder is coded in a way to trigger the Singleton, so we don't need external code now that we register it at module level into `sys.meta_path`. * Add unit tests
2022-01-14Update copyright year to 2022Todd Gamblin1-1/+1
2021-11-18Allow recent pytest versions to be used with Spack (#25371)Massimiliano Culpo1-0/+1
Currently Spack vendors `pytest` at a version which is three major versions behind the latest (3.2.5 vs. 6.2.4). We do that since v3.2.5 is the latest version supporting Python 2.6. Remaining so much behind the currently supported versions though might introduce some incompatibilities and is surely a technical debt. This PR modifies Spack to: - Use the vendored `pytest@3.2.5` only as a fallback solution, if the Python interpreter used for Spack doesn't provide a newer one - Be able to parse `pytest --collect-only` in all the different output formats from v3.2.5 to v6.2.4 and use it consistently for `spack unit-test --list-*` - Updating the unit tests in Github Actions to use a more recent `pytest` version
2021-08-02Docs: add link to source code (#25088)Adam J. Stewart1-0/+1
2021-07-16Sphinx 3.4+ required for correct reference target linkingAdam J. Stewart1-1/+1
2021-07-16API Docs: fix broken reference targetsAdam J. Stewart1-5/+29
2021-07-08imports: sort imports everywhere in Spack (#24695)Todd Gamblin1-2/+7
* fix remaining flake8 errors * imports: sort imports everywhere in Spack We enabled import order checking in #23947, but fixing things manually drives people crazy. This used `spack style --fix --all` from #24071 to automatically sort everything in Spack so PR submitters won't have to deal with it. This should go in after #24071, as it assumes we're using `isort`, not `flake8-import-order` to order things. `isort` seems to be more flexible and allows `llnl` mports to be in their own group before `spack` ones, so this seems like a good switch.
2021-01-11Update the docs footer copyright (#20741)Tamara Dahlgren1-1/+1
2021-01-02copyrights: update all files with license headers for 2021Todd Gamblin1-1/+1
- [x] add `concretize.lp`, `spack.yaml`, etc. to licensed files - [x] update all licensed files to say 2013-2021 using `spack license update-copyright-year` - [x] appease mypy with some additions to that needed for
2019-12-30copyright: update copyright dates for 2020 (#14328)Todd Gamblin1-1/+1
2019-11-12docs: use nicer looking code blocks in docs (#13708)Todd Gamblin1-1/+19
- [x] Use higher contrast terminal output font - [x] Use higher contrast code block background color than default - [x] Use a noticeable prompt character See also
2019-10-25tutorial: move tutorial to standalone site (#13450)Todd Gamblin1-1/+1
* docs: add a spack environment for building the docs * docs: remove tutorial and link to The tutorial now has its own standalone website, versioned by instances of the tutorial. Link to that instead of versioning it directly with Spack.
2019-07-31Fix Sphinx deprecation warning when building docs (#12205)Adam J. Stewart1-3/+2
* Fix Sphinx deprecation warning when building docs * Set minimum required version of Sphinx
2019-05-27docs: set gettext_uuid to False to reduce churn (#11567)Todd Gamblin1-1/+1
- `gettext_uuid=True` makes every commit update every .pot file in spack/localized-docs, and speeds up the internationalized doc build slightly. - Optimize for less repository churn, and use `python-levenshtein` to accelerate the build instead.
2019-05-26docs: make docs build relocatable for localized buildsTodd Gamblin1-14/+22
- make all Spack paths relative to a `_spack_root` symlink, so that we can easily relocate the docs build *outside* lib/spack/docs - set some useful defaults for gettext translation variables in - update `relativeinclude` and other references to the spack root in the RST files to use _spack_root
2019-05-26docs: remove legacy import for Sphinx 1.7Todd Gamblin1-6/+1
2019-05-26commands: add --update option to `spack list`Todd Gamblin1-2/+2
- Add a `--update FILE` option to `spack list` - Output is written to the file only if any package is newer than the file - Simplify the code in docs/ using this new option
2019-05-26commands: Add --header and --update options to `spack commands`Todd Gamblin1-28/+11
The Spack documentation currently hard-codes some functionality in ``, which makes the doc build less "pluggable" for things like localized doc builds. In particular, we unconditionally generate an index of commands and a package list as part of the docs, but those should really only be done if things are not up to date. This commit does the following: - Add `--header` option to `spack commands` so that it can do the work of prepending text to its output. - Add `--update FILE` option to `spack commands` that makes it generate a new command index *only* if FILE is out of date w.r.t. commands in the Spack source. - Simplify code in `` to use these options and only update the command index when needed.
2019-01-01copyright: update license headers for 2013-2019 copyright.Todd Gamblin1-2/+2
2018-10-17relicense: replace LGPL headers with Apache-2.0/MIT SPDX headersTodd Gamblin1-24/+5
- remove the old LGPL license headers from all files in Spack - add SPDX headers to all files - core and most packages are (Apache-2.0 OR MIT) - a very small number of remaining packages are LGPL-2.1-only
2018-06-18Allow docs to be built with Sphinx 1.7.1+ (#8500)Adam J. Stewart1-1/+7
* Allow docs to be built with Sphinx 1.7.1+ * Allow docs to be built with Sphinx 2.0+
2018-06-17docs: remove vendored sphinx_rtd_theme (#8496)Todd Gamblin1-1/+1
2018-05-18init: move symbols in `spack` to `spack.pkgkit`Todd Gamblin1-22/+0
- Spack packages were originally expected to call `from spack import *` themselves, but it has become difficult to manage imports in the Spack core. - the top-level namespace polluted by package symbols, and it's not possible to avoid circular dependencies and unnecessary module loads in the core, given all the stuff the packages need. - This makes the top-level `spack` package essentially empty, save for a version tuple and a version string, and `from spack import *` is now essentially a no-op. - The common routines and directives that packages need are now in `spack.pkgkit`, and the import system forces packages to automatically include this so that old packages that call `from spack import *` will continue to work without modification. - Since `from spack import *` is no longer required, we could consider removing ``from spack import *`` from packages in the future and shifting to ``from spack.pkgkit import *``, but we can wait a while to do this.
2018-05-17init: make spack.cmd.all_commands lazyTodd Gamblin1-1/+2
- `spack.cmd.all_commands` does a directory listing on `lib/spack/spack/cmd`, regardless of whether it is needed - make this lazy so that the directory listing won't happen unless it's necessary.
2018-05-17init: remove dependency on spack.versionTodd Gamblin1-2/+2
- no longer require `spack_version` to be a Version (it isn't used that way anyway) - use a simple tuple `spack_version_info` with major, minor, patch versions - generate `spack_version` from the tuple
2018-03-24Update copyright on LLNL files for 2018. (#7592)Todd Gamblin1-2/+2