path: root/bin/sh/USD.doc/Rv7man
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authorKiyoshi Aman <>2019-02-01 22:55:37 +0000
committerKiyoshi Aman <>2019-02-03 18:22:05 -0600
commit5b57d28ffb6e1ef86b50f7d05d977826eae89bfe (patch)
tree154a22fe556b49e6927197336f8bf91b12eacd5e /bin/sh/USD.doc/Rv7man
initial population
Diffstat (limited to 'bin/sh/USD.doc/Rv7man')
1 files changed, 405 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bin/sh/USD.doc/Rv7man b/bin/sh/USD.doc/Rv7man
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..628c67f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/sh/USD.doc/Rv7man
@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
+%A L. P. Deutsch
+%A B. W. Lampson
+%T An online editor
+%J Comm. Assoc. Comp. Mach.
+%V 10
+%N 12
+%D December 1967
+%P 793-799, 803
+%K qed
+%r 17
+%K cstr
+%R Comp. Sci. Tech. Rep. No. 17
+%I Bell Laboratories
+%C Murray Hill, New Jersey
+%A B. W. Kernighan
+%A L. L. Cherry
+%T A System for Typesetting Mathematics
+%d May 1974, revised April 1977
+%J Comm. Assoc. Comp. Mach.
+%K acm cacm
+%V 18
+%P 151-157
+%D March 1975
+%T U\s-2NIX\s0 Time-Sharing System: Document Preparation
+%K unix bstj
+%A B. W. Kernighan
+%A M. E. Lesk
+%A J. F. Ossanna
+%J Bell Sys. Tech. J.
+%V 57
+%N 6
+%P 2115-2135
+%D 1978
+%A T. A. Dolotta
+%A J. R. Mashey
+%T An Introduction to the Programmer's Workbench
+%J Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Software Engineering
+%D October 13-15, 1976
+%P 164-168
+%T U\s-2NIX\s0 Time-Sharing System: The Programmer's Workbench
+%A T. A. Dolotta
+%A R. C. Haight
+%A J. R. Mashey
+%J Bell Sys. Tech. J.
+%V 57
+%N 6
+%P 2177-2200
+%D 1978
+%K unix bstj
+%T U\s-2NIX\s0 Time-Sharing System: U\s-2NIX\s0 on a Microprocessor
+%K unix bstj
+%A H. Lycklama
+%J Bell Sys. Tech. J.
+%V 57
+%N 6
+%P 2087-2101
+%D 1978
+%T The C Programming Language
+%A B. W. Kernighan
+%A D. M. Ritchie
+%I Prentice-Hall
+%C Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey
+%D 1978
+%T Computer Recreations
+%A Aleph-null
+%J Software Practice and Experience
+%V 1
+%N 2
+%D April-June 1971
+%P 201-204
+%T U\s-2NIX\s0 Time-Sharing System: The U\s-2NIX\s0 Shell
+%A S. R. Bourne
+%K unix bstj
+%J Bell Sys. Tech. J.
+%V 57
+%N 6
+%P 1971-1990
+%D 1978
+%A L. P. Deutsch
+%A B. W. Lampson
+%T \*sSDS\*n 930 time-sharing system preliminary reference manual
+%R Doc. 30.10.10, Project \*sGENIE\*n
+%C Univ. Cal. at Berkeley
+%D April 1965
+%A R. J. Feiertag
+%A E. I. Organick
+%T The Multics input-output system
+%J Proc. Third Symposium on Operating Systems Principles
+%D October 18-20, 1971
+%P 35-41
+%A D. G. Bobrow
+%A J. D. Burchfiel
+%A D. L. Murphy
+%A R. S. Tomlinson
+%T \*sTENEX\*n, a Paged Time Sharing System for the \*sPDP\*n-10
+%J Comm. Assoc. Comp. Mach.
+%V 15
+%N 3
+%D March 1972
+%K tenex
+%P 135-143
+%A R. E. Griswold
+%A D. R. Hanson
+%T An Overview of SL5
+%J SIGPLAN Notices
+%V 12
+%N 4
+%D April 1977
+%P 40-50
+%A E. W. Dijkstra
+%T Cooperating Sequential Processes
+%B Programming Languages
+%E F. Genuys
+%I Academic Press
+%C New York
+%D 1968
+%P 43-112
+%A J. A. Hawley
+%A W. B. Meyer
+%T M\s-2UNIX\s0, A Multiprocessing Version of U\s-2NIX\s0
+%K munix unix
+%R M.S. Thesis
+%I Naval Postgraduate School
+%C Monterey, Cal.
+%D 1975
+%T The U\s-2NIX\s0 Time-Sharing System
+%K unix bstj
+%A D. M. Ritchie
+%A K. Thompson
+%J Bell Sys. Tech. J.
+%V 57
+%N 6
+%P 1905-1929
+%D 1978
+%A E. I. Organick
+%T The M\s-2ULTICS\s0 System
+%K multics
+%I M.I.T. Press
+%C Cambridge, Mass.
+%D 1972
+%T UNIX for Beginners
+%A B. W. Kernighan
+%D 1978
+%T U\s-2NIX\s0 Programmer's Man\&ual
+%A K. Thompson
+%A D. M. Ritchie
+%K unix
+%I Bell Laboratories
+%O Seventh Edition.
+%D 1978
+%A K. Thompson
+%T The U\s-2NIX\s0 Command Language
+%B Structured Programming\(emInfotech State of the Art Report
+%I Infotech International Ltd.
+%C Nicholson House, Maidenhead, Berkshire, England
+%D March 1975
+%P 375-384
+%K unix
+%X pwb
+Brief description of shell syntax and semantics, without much
+detail on implementation.
+Much on pipes and convenience of hooking programs together.
+"Many familiar computing `concepts' are missing from UNIX.
+Files have no records. There are no access methods.
+There are no file types. These concepts fill a much-needed gap.
+I sincerely hope that when future systems are designed by
+manufacturers the value of some of these ingrained notions is re-examined.
+Like the politician and his `common man', manufacturers have
+their `average user'.
+%A J. R. Mashey
+%T PWB/UNIX Shell Tutorial
+%D September 30, 1977
+%A D. F. Hartley (Ed.)
+%T The Cambridge Multiple Access System \- Users Reference Manual
+%I University Mathematical Laboratory
+%C Cambridge, England
+%D 1968
+%A P. A. Crisman (Ed.)
+%T The Compatible Time-Sharing System
+%I M.I.T. Press
+%K whole ctss book
+%C Cambridge, Mass.
+%D 1965
+%T LR Parsing
+%A A. V. Aho
+%A S. C. Johnson
+%J Comp. Surveys
+%V 6
+%N 2
+%P 99-124
+%D June 1974
+%T Deterministic Parsing of Ambiguous Grammars
+%A A. V. Aho
+%A S. C. Johnson
+%A J. D. Ullman
+%J Comm. Assoc. Comp. Mach.
+%K acm cacm
+%V 18
+%N 8
+%P 441-452
+%D August 1975
+%A A. V. Aho
+%A J. D. Ullman
+%T Principles of Compiler Design
+%I Addison-Wesley
+%C Reading, Mass.
+%D 1977
+%r 65
+%R Comp. Sci. Tech. Rep. No. 65
+%A S. C. Johnson
+%T Lint, a C Program Checker
+%D December 1977
+%O updated version TM 78-1273-3
+%D 1978
+%T A Portable Compiler: Theory and Practice
+%A S. C. Johnson
+%J Proc. 5th ACM Symp. on Principles of Programming Languages
+%P 97-104
+%D January 1978
+%r 39
+%R Comp. Sci. Tech. Rep. No. 39
+%I Bell Laboratories
+%C Murray Hill, New Jersey
+%A M. E. Lesk
+%T Lex \(em A Lexical Analyzer Generator
+%D October 1975
+%r 32
+%R Comp. Sci. Tech. Rep. No. 32
+%I Bell Laboratories
+%C Murray Hill, New Jersey
+%A S. C. Johnson
+%T Yacc \(em Yet Another Compiler-Compiler
+%D July 1975
+%T U\s-2NIX\s0 Time-Sharing System: Portability of C Programs and the U\s-2NIX\s0 System
+%K unix bstj
+%A S. C. Johnson
+%A D. M. Ritchie
+%J Bell Sys. Tech. J.
+%V 57
+%N 6
+%P 2021-2048
+%D 1978
+%T Typing Documents on UNIX and GCOS: The -ms Macros for Troff
+%A M. E. Lesk
+%D 1977
+%A K. Thompson
+%A D. M. Ritchie
+%T U\s-2NIX\s0 Programmer's Manual
+%K unix
+%I Bell Laboratories
+%O Sixth Edition
+%D May 1975
+%T The Network U\s-2NIX\s0 System
+%K unix
+%A G. L. Chesson
+%J Operating Systems Review
+%V 9
+%N 5
+%P 60-66
+%D 1975
+%O Also in \f2Proc. 5th Symp. on Operating Systems Principles.\f1
+%T Spider \(em An Experimental Data Communications System
+%Z ctr127
+%A A. G. Fraser
+%J Proc. IEEE Conf. on Communications
+%P 21F
+%O IEEE Cat. No. 74CH0859-9-CSCB.
+%D June 1974
+%T A Virtual Channel Network
+%A A. G. Fraser
+%J Datamation
+%P 51-56
+%D February 1975
+%r 41
+%R Comp. Sci. Tech. Rep. No. 41
+%I Bell Laboratories
+%C Murray Hill, New Jersey
+%A J. W. Hunt
+%A M. D. McIlroy
+%T An Algorithm for Differential File Comparison
+%D June 1976
+%A F. P. Brooks, Jr.
+%T The Mythical Man-Month
+%I Addison-Wesley
+%C Reading, Mass.
+%D 1975
+%X pwb
+Readable, classic reference on software engineering and
+problems of large projects, from someone with experience in them.
+Required reading for any software engineer, even if conclusions may not
+always be agreed with.
+"The second is the most dangerous system a man ever designs." p.55.
+"Hence plan to throw one away; you will, anyhow." p.116.
+"Cosgrove has perceptively pointed out that the programmer delivers
+satisfaction of a user need rather than any tangible product.
+And both the actual need and the user's perception of that need
+will change as programs are built, tested, and used." p.117.
+"The total cost of maintaining a widely used program is typically 40 percent
+or more of the cost of developing it." p.121.
+"As shown above, amalgamating prose and program reduces the total
+number of characters to be stored." p.175.
+%T A Portable Compiler for the Language C
+%A A. Snyder
+%I Master's Thesis, M.I.T.
+%C Cambridge, Mass.
+%D 1974
+%T The C Language Calling Sequence
+%A M. E. Lesk
+%A S. C. Johnson
+%A D. M. Ritchie
+%D 1977
+%T Optimal Code Generation for Expression Trees
+%A A. V. Aho
+%A S. C. Johnson
+%D 1975
+%J J. Assoc. Comp. Mach.
+%K acm jacm
+%V 23
+%N 3
+%P 488-501
+%O Also in \f2Proc. ACM Symp. on Theory of Computing,\f1 pp. 207-217, 1975.
+%A R. Sethi
+%A J. D. Ullman
+%T The Generation of Optimal Code for Arithmetic Expressions
+%J J. Assoc. Comp. Mach.
+%K acm jacm
+%V 17
+%N 4
+%D October 1970
+%P 715-728
+%O Reprinted as pp. 229-247 in \fICompiler Techniques\fR, ed. B. W. Pollack, Auerbach, Princeton NJ (1972).
+%X pwb
+Optimal approach for straight-line, fixed
+number of regs.
+%T Code Generation for Machines with Multiregister
+%A A. V. Aho
+%A S. C. Johnson
+%A J. D. Ullman
+%J Proc. 4th ACM Symp. on Principles of Programming Languages
+%P 21-28
+%D January 1977